
因为朋友介绍, 我们在2016年初知道TopOnlineTeachers这个网校,并尝试着进行了解。在这之前,Winnie在其他网校已经上了快两年的网课,但是都是四到五人的班级。在跟TopOnlineTeachers的工作人员沟通后,我们选择了Chad老师一对一的public speaking, 并完成了第一期的15节课。我们感觉受益匪浅,Winnie的朗读技巧得到提高,对如何进行高质量的演讲有了一定的了解。在学习过程中,TopOnlineTeachers 的顾问每节课都及时跟家长反馈孩子上课时候的情况,家长有什么问题或者意见,顾问非常好沟通,并能及时有效的反映给老师。Winnie非常喜欢Chad老师。Chad老师每节课都很准时,精神饱满的来上课, 而且很清楚自己教的内容,有计划有效率,上课幽默风趣不枯燥,让孩子一个小时都很集中。最重要的是他每节课都有发Email来反馈当天的课程内容, 孩子表现好的地方,下节课需要注意的地方。和接下来我们还要跟着Chad老师完成全部的课程。希望到时候Winnie的演讲水平能得倒提高。


Winnie is an excellent student. She takes her studies very seriously. She has an excellent grasp on the English language and is able to understand what she is reading. We have been working on how to give a presentation. We started with how we can read to other people and fully understand what we are reading and understand the feeling of the characters. We are continuing to go over how to make a presentation using only an outline and she is doing very well to grasp how to do it. Winnie is an excellent example of how a student can progress with the right instruction.


