
时间过得好快,没想到Jonas 在拓特英语已经学了一年半的时间了。当初因为疫情的关系线下英语机构迟迟没有开学,对比了好多家线上英语机构后最终选择了拓特英语。机构老师推荐了Teacher Ivan作为Jonas 的一对一外教老师。起初还担心他没法一下子适应这种线下到线上的过渡,没想到几乎没有适应期。因为Ivan老师非常幽默,很会讨小孩子喜欢。我们从everybody up1一直上到everybody up4。最近开始转变了上课的形式,从单词慢慢过渡到阅读理解,这将是一个全新的挑战。Jonas马上就要上小学了,希望在新的学期他能再接再厉,在英语这条道路上与Teacher Ivan擦出更激烈的火花!


Jonas is a student you could only wish for! He always pays attention in class and does his homework on time. I still remember when he had just started taking lessons. He could only use very simple words and sentences and he didn’t have much confidence. Now, he can speak very well and express his opinions and emotions with no problem. He can read fluently and talk about many different subjects. I’m very happy that we could achieve this improvement in a fun way and through a lot of interesting conversion practice in class. I see a very bright future for Jonas. Great work always pays off! Keep it up, Jonas!


