
转眼Rebecca已经在TOT学习了四年的时间,事实证明我们的选择是正确的。课程时间从最一开始的20分钟,到30分钟,到现在的45分钟还嫌没上够;孩子的状态从最一开始的哭闹、坐不住,到慢慢适应、感兴趣,到现在的每节课都意犹未尽;孩子的英语能力从最一开始的不肯开口、不会说,到慢慢的说单个单词,到现在的整句输出。我们可以感受到孩子在这几年里的明显变化。 Carolyn老师是Rebecca接触时间最长的老师,她专业、风趣、耐心、懂得孩子的心理,还很擅长用画画的形式结合课程内容授课,这对同样喜欢画画的Rebecca来说无疑是一件更加有趣的事了!两个人经常边画边学、边画边说。这种寓教于乐的方式真的很适合孩子呢!孩子现在很期待每次的课程,觉得Carolyn老师已经是她最好的朋友之一了! 还要感谢Rebecca的课程顾问老师们,有一段时间,孩子的学习兴趣不是特别高,顾问老师就经常来询问孩子平时喜欢的事物,希望以此为课程切入点,重新引起孩子的兴趣,进而更加有效和快乐地学习。事实证明,这确实是比较有效的办法,顺利地帮孩子度过了学习瓶颈期。这种按需教学,因材施教的方式确实是TOT的特点,我们也觉得这一点很好很重要!


Teaching Rebecca has been a pleasure. She is an incredibly smart and bright girl. Her ability to understand English is fantastic for her age, even more complex concepts and topics are very good. Her reading skills are superior to other students her age and so is her intonation and listening comprehension. She is a great role model of how with consistent practice and using a variation of tools - books, conversation, interactive videos and activities - a student can understand and speak like a native from an early age. Rebecca is a curious and inquisitive student. As soon as she hears or sees a word she is unfamiliar with, she's not afraid to ask questions. This has helped her increase her vocabulary and also not only understand English, but certain idioms and concepts that are more advanced. She enjoys lessons that have visual aids and loves to draw diagrams and pictures related to each subject, this allows her to remember the main points of each class easily.Additionally, I have seen her progress because when we started learning together she was a little shy and reserved about expressing your ideas in full sentences. But with time and practice now we engage in conversation in class and she can express her thoughts in longer sentences. We will keep working on grammar and use of tenses to help her fluency even more. I hope to continue helping her on her journey of become a fluent English speaker.


