


Luke’s progress during the last few months that he has been studying with me has been stellar. He has improved in all aspects of English. When Luke began studying with me we began with Grade 2 vocabulary words and he has quickly progressed to Grade 3 level. Luke is able to remember and utilize new vocabulary words that he has learned extremely well. Luke’s reading comprehension is excellent. He is reading above his age level and is able to understand the main idea and theme of each selection that we read. His pronunciation during reading time is also excellent and if he comes upon a word that he is not sure of, he will always ask the meaning. Luke always strives to be accurate in both speaking and writing. Luke’s writing has improved tremendously. He is able to write imaginative and creative stories as well as personal narratives. While we continue to work and improve on his grammar, he always strives to spell the words correctly. Luke participates quite enthusiastically during class and we are always discussing and talking about numerous topics. His spoken English has flourished and I must admit that he is a joy to have in class, especially given our early morning class time. Keep up the excellent work, Luke!


